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Did you know that 1 in 4 young people feel lonely all or most of the time?

Adolescence is a complex time of change both physical and emotional and young people are experiencing an increasing number of challenges that impact their well-being.  Raise is a national not for profit organisation whose focus is to support youth through early intervention mentoring programs delivered in high school.  Raise provides young people with a trusted, independent volunteer with time to listen, support and empower them.

The SHCF partnered with BDCF and The 4K to support this initiative at Bowral and Moss Vale High Schools.   Volunteer mentors from the Southern Highlands community are in place at these schools supporting young people to navigate challenges with positivity and self-belief.


Research shows that young people that are mentored have lower levels of depression, higher sense of wellbeing, know where to go for support and are more likely to find employment and their future path – we look forward to growing this initiative in our community.

Interested in becoming a Raise Mentor?