We need your help

There’s a great deal of hidden need in our community and we need your help. There’s a lot to be done.

You can make a difference by making a donation to the Southern Highlands Community Foundation.

Regardless of the size of your contribution your donation will have an impact to help strengthen our beautiful Southern Highlands community.

As a DGR- Item 2 entity all donations to the SHCF over $2.00 are tax deductible.

For PAF – family foundations and PuAF – Public ancillary funds who have Item 2 DGR please donate via the link below.

Card Donations from Private & Public Auxiliary Funds - DGR Item 2

For those donors, such as Private Ancillary Funds (PAF) and Public Ancillary Funds (PuAF), requiring DGR-1 status to make your donation, we partner with Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR). FRRR is a DGR-1 entity and assists in fundraising for SHCF. FRRR will issue a tax deductible receipt and distribute the funds to SHCF to support our charitable projects. If you would like to donate via credit card, click on the link above. If you prefer to donate via EFT , please download this Donation Form and follow the details.

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