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Give where you live Southern Highlands

Southern Highlanders are a resilient bunch, but the effects of cost of living pressures, storms, bushfires, COVID-19 downturns and job losses mean that some people in the community are hurting.

The SHCF has partnered with GIVIT to make it easier for Southern Highlands locals to give back in a targeted and simple way to help others in the community.

Head to the GIVIT website to see a current list of items, services and vouchers requested by Southern Highlands based community and charity organisations for people they are supporting.

Donate items – commonly requested items include grocery and fuel vouchers, appliances and white goods, furniture and baby items and clothes, and toys, books and stationery.

Donate money – for the purchase of essential items for vulnerable people and those experiencing financial hardship.

Collaborating with GIVIT is a simple and transparent way for Southern Highlanders to make a difference to their neighbours across the Wingecarribee Shire.