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Do you know an unsung hero?

The Southern Highlands Community Foundation (SHCF) is proud to announce a new bi-monthly award aimed at recognising those quiet achievers within our community who work tirelessly for their chosen cause.

Nominate your Highlands Hero

The SHCF is calling for not-for-profit community organisations to nominate worthy volunteers for the award.  Winners will be recognised and rewarded with a $5,000 grant for their organisation.  Find out more about Highlands Heroes, the selection criteria and nomination process here.

5 Grants in 2023

There are five Highlands Heroes grants to be awarded in 2023 with nominations opening for the first round on April 1st and closing on Friday 22nd April.  The winner will be announced on May 8th.  Subsequent 2023 Highlands Heroes rounds will be held in June; August; October and December.