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Grandfriends and Kindness Rocks!

With the onset of Covid19 the increase in anxiety and depression associated with the isolation of seniors has had a tremendous impact on everyone in their support network. ‘Grandfriends’- Pilot Program is a fantastic initiative born out of a prospering partnership between Harbison Care and the local school, Oxley College. This partnership has paved the way for the opportunity to connect with broad range of beneficiaries; residents (some of whom reside in high-level dementia care); Oxley students aged 5-7 years; the resident’s families, & other community connections.

The SHF believed that supporting this initiative will not only build better relationships for those involved but has the potential to include other schools in fostering joint partnerships for the longterm. Through a funding opportunity from FRRR – In A Good Place, (Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal) SHF submitted an EOI and was successfully granted $19,286.00. These funds will assist the program to reduce social isolation, build capacity and connectedness.

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